Focus Calibration
The Flextight 646 scanner uses an adjustable zoom and focus mechanism
to optimize its scanning resolution for each of the original formats it can
handle. If you suspect your scans are not as sharp as they should be, then
you may need to calibrate your scanner. Note that you must not calibrate
the scanner every day. It is intended that the scanner is calibrated not
more than once every three months. In most cases, this procedure will
never be necessary.
Use procedure below to make Focus Calibration:
1. Locate the "Focus sheet" that came with your scanner. It isa8x9cm
(3" x 3.5") square of transparent film with a black image on it.
2. Load the sheet into the6x6original holder with the lines pointing
towards the scanner (vertically). Place the sheet as straight as
possible. Use the scanner's light table grid and the corners marked
on the sheet to help align it.
3. Select Focus Calibration from the Maintenance menu.
4. Click on the Calibrate button, and the focus calibration starts.
5. When the focus calibration is finalized, the focus calibration window
closes again.
Your scanner is now calibrated for all resolutions and for both
transparent and reflective originals.
User's Guide - Flextight 646
Hardware Reference - Flextight 646
Calibrating the Scanner
Focus sheet
PN:40900026, rev.1.10