Email & Internet Resources
Interface program and developer resource materials are available at the following locations:
• Interface Program E-mail at:
• Developer Resource at:
Support and Compatibility Disclaimers
Because drivers function at the level of the kernel, HP reminds you of the following:
• Adding your own driver to HP-UX requires relinking the driver into HP-UX. With each
new release you should plan on recompiling your driver in order to reinstall it into the new
HP-UX kernel. Many header files do not change. However, drivers typically use some header
files that could change across releases (you might have some system dependencies).
• HP provides support services for HP products, including HP-UX. Products, including drivers,
from non-HP parties receive no support, other than the support of those parts of a driver
that rely on the documented behavior of supported HP products.
• If difficulties arise during the development and test phases of writing a driver, HP may
provide assistance in isolating problems to determine if:
— HP hardware is not at fault; and
— HP software (firmware) is not at fault by removing user-written kernel drivers.
• When HP hardware, software, and firmware are not at fault, you should seek help from the
third party from whom you obtained software or hardware.