d. Make sure that the check box is not selected next to The key is provided for me
automatically. If it is selected, click the check box to clear it.
e.In the Network key box, type a WEP key that has exactly 5 or exactly 13
alphanumeric (ASCII) characters. For example, if you enter 5 characters, you
might enter ABCDE or 12345. Or, if you enter 13 characters, you might enter
ABCDEF1234567. (12345 and ABCDE are examples only. Select a combination
of your choosing.)
Alternatively, you can use HEX (hexadecimal) characters for the WEP key. A HEX
WEP key must be 10 characters for 40 bit encryption, or 26 characters for 128 bit
f.In the Confirm network key box, type the same WEP key you typed in the
previous step.
NOTE: You must remember the exact uppercase (capital) and lowercase
(small) letters. If you enter your WEP key incorrectly on the product, the
wireless connection will fail.
g. Write down the WEP key exactly as you typed it, including uppercase and
lowercase letters.
h. Select the check box for This is a computer-to-computer (ad hoc) network;
wireless access points are not used.
i. Click OK to close the Wireless network properties window, and then click OK
j. Click OK again to close the Wireless Network Properties Connection window.
Using the LAN card configuration program, create a network profile that has the following
• Network name (SSID): Mynetwork (example only)
NOTE: You should create a network name that is unique and easy for you to
remember. Just remember that the network name is case-sensitive. Therefore,
you must remember which letters are uppercase and lowercase.
• Communication mode: ad hoc
• Encryption: enabled
To connect to a wireless ad hoc network
1. Press the Wireless button.
2. Press the down arrow button to highlight Wireless Setup Wizard, and then press
This runs the Wireless Setup Wizard. The setup wizard searches for available
networks, and then displays a list of detected network names (SSIDs). The
infrastructure networks appear first in the list, followed by available ad hoc networks.
The networks with the strongest signal appear first, the weakest appear last.
3. On the display, look for the network name you created on your computer (for example,
Add the HP Photosmart to a network 11
Finish setting up the HP Photosmart