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Live Quick-Start Tutorial
Chapter 13:
PaperMaster Live
Quick-Start Tutorial
This tutorial is designed to get you up and running quickly with
PaperMaster Live. You’ll learn the basics and find out that PaperMaster
Live is fun and easy to use! Once you’ve completed this tutorial, you’ll be
familiar with:
Searching for a document
Viewing and customizing documents
Faxing, e-mailing and printing your documents
Creating a new cabinet
Copying/Moving items into your new cabinet
Creating customized drawers and folders
Filing a document into PaperMaster Live
Publishing, sharing and archiving a cabinet to CD
Closing cabinets and exiting PaperMaster Live
Viewing a cabinet stored on CD
Remember, this tutorial only goes over the basics. Read carefully through
the on-line help to discover even more ways PaperMaster Live can help
you get organized and save time.