Transferring the Logic Analyzer Configuration
This program uses the SYSTem:SETup query to transfer the configuration of
the logic analyzer to your controller. This program also uses the
SYSTem:SETup command to transfer a logic analyzer configuration from the
controller back to the logic analyzer. The configuration data will set up the
logic analyzer according to the data. It is useful for getting configurations for
setting up the logic analyzer by the controller. The SYSTem:SETup
command differs from the SYSTem:DATA command because it only transfers
the configuration and not acquired data.
10 ! ****************** SETUP COMMAND AND QUERY EXAMPLE ********************
20 ! for the HP 16554A/HP 16555A/HP 16555D
30 !
40 ! ********************* CREATE TRANSFER BUFFER *************************
50 ! Create a buffer large enough for the block data. See "Sending Queries
51 ! to the Logic Analyzer" for how to calculate buffer size for data. This
52 ! buffer is only big enough for setup information.
53 !
60 ASSIGN @Buff TO BUFFER [320000]
70 !
80 ! **************** INITIALIZE HPIB DEFAULT ADDRESS *********************
90 !
100 REAL Address
110 Address=707
120 ASSIGN @Comm TO Address
130 !
150 !
160 ! ************* INTITIALIZE VARIABLE FOR NUMBER OF BYTES *****************
170 ! The variable "Numbytes" contains the number of bytes in the buffer.
180 !
190 REAL Numbytes
200 Numbytes=0
210 !
220 ! ************** RE-INITIALIZE TRANSFER BUFFER POINTERS ******************
230 !
240 CONTROL @Buff,3;1
250 CONTROL @Buff,4;0
260 !
Programming Examples
Transferring the Logic Analyzer Configuration