Product Information1Ć6
Shares a single line with TeleĆ Distinguishes between FFFF
phone and TAM (Telephone voice calls and fax
Answering Machine) calls.
OneĆtouch Dialing ControlĆpanel buttons FFFF
programmed with teleĆ
phone numbers for
faster dialing.
Speed (Auto) Dialing A twoĆdigit number repreĆ FFFF
sents a telephone number.
Program Keys Used to perform deferred F
transmission and polling,
as group dialing, or as
extra oneĆtouch keys.
Group Dialing The ability to broadcast a FF
document or documents
to groups of individuals.
Fax Parameters (Settings) Settings that allow the user FFFF
or service person to custĆ
omize the fax for specific
Halftone Scanning The ability to interpret FFFF
(Photograph Mode) shades of gray into dot
patterns to produce an
appearance of gray in an
image. This feature imĆ
proves the image quality
of photographs.
Error Correction Mode Detects errors that occur FFFF
during the transmission of
a document and automatiĆ
cally requests retransĆ
mission of the erroneous
Automatic Journals A facsimile can be set to FFFF
print a summary sheet of
each transmission or pollĆ
ing operation, or a sumĆ
mary sheet of the last 32
Table 1-1. HP Fax Machine Features
Capability Description 700 750 900 950