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Operator Troubleshooting
Most minor problems can be resolved quickly and easily using
the table below.
If problems persist, contact a Hitachi authorized service center
for assistance.
Nailer is
Air pressure too
Set air pressure to 100-115 PSI.
Using air compres-
sor that is too small
Smaller air compressors sup-
plying a lower than recom-
mended volume of air, may
require you to wait for the
compressor to ‘catch up’. If air
compressor is running you may
need to wait until it cuts off to
continue nailing.
Consistently hitting
the Ram too hard.
Only Tap the Ram to operate
the Nailer. If you are raising the
hammer more than 12” above
the ram head you are more
likely to hit the ram too hard.
Tip of Driver Blade
broken. (Ref. #58)
Contact Hitachi for replace-
Access Gate may
not be closed prop-
erly. (Ref. #22)
Check Access Gate (Ref. #22) to
ensure it’s properly closed.
More than one nail
entering the driving
Check Rail (Ref. #26) for wear
on the end. If worn, turn rail
around to use other end in
Guide or replace the rail. Make
sure pusher provides positive
pushing force on the nail clip to
prevent nails from turning.
Nailer is not
always driving
a nail
Air pressure too
Set air pressure to 100-115 PSI.
Using air compres-
sor that is smaller
than recommend-
Smaller air compressors sup-
plying a lower than recom-
mended volume of air, may
require you to wait for the
compressor to ‘catch up’. If air
compressor is running you may
need to wait until it cuts off to
continue nailing.
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