
Care and Servicing (Problems)
recording does than one hour occurred? function is operating, the
not work even time may be reset even after
when the clock a power failure of more than
is set correctly. one hour. However, pro-
grammed delayed record-
ings will have been cleared
and must be reset.
Does not record Safety tab removed from Put cellophane tape over the
when you press the videocassette? tab area, or use a videocas-
REC. sette with the safety tab
TV program Loose or inappropriate Review hookup directions
cannot be connections between VCR and make correct, firm con-
viewed or and TV? nections.
Problem Things to Check Solution
Poor picture TV channel selector on the Set TV to channel 3 or 4 as
quality ("noise") proper channel? correct for your area. (Set TV
during play- to AUX or VIDEO if you back.
have a direct video hookup.)
Is TV correctly tuned? Fine tune the TV.
Static lines through the pic- Press 1 or 4 button to adjust
ture? tracking.
"Noisy" picture despite all Have video heads cleaned
previous adjustments, even by a qualified service tech-
when playing different cas- nician.
No picture dur- TV set to the correct video Set TV to channel 3 or 4.
ing playback. viewing channel?
TV cannot be Is VCR remote control pro- Follow instructions in
operated by grammed for your TV? Advanced Operations to
the VCR's program the remote to send
remote control. signals that your TV can rec-
ognize. (Not all TV brands
are compatible.)
Is remote control set to Press the TV device button,
control the TV? then press the button corre-