The best thing you can do for your VCR is use the best quality tapes available.
This VCR uses VHS tapes only, which are the most common type. Look for the
VHS mark on new or prerecorded tapes you buy.
Tapes are marked either T-120, T-160, T-180, T-210, etc. which signifies how
many minutes of programming they can hold at standard recording speed (SP).
To get the best quality picture, record at standard speed. But if you want to get
more on a tape and are less concerned about the quality, set the VCR for
extended play (EP).
Tape Capacities at Different Speeds
T-120 120 min. 360 min.
T-160 160 min. 480 min.
T-180 180 min. 540 min.
T-210 210 min. 630 min.
You may have noticed that there is also an LP speed. Your Hitachi VCR does not
record at this speed, but it can play cassettes that were recorded in LP mode.
No special setting is required for playback.
Safety Tabs Prevent Erasure
A safety tab is located on the front left edge of every videotape next to the label.
Break this tab off if you want to keep a special tape from being erased
accidentally. (Notice this tab is already removed on prerecorded tapes you buy
or rent.) Poke a screwdriver or similar tip into the space behind the tab to break
it off.
Don't worry, you can change your mind and record on this tape even after the tab
is broken off - sire cover the hole with cellophane tape.
Loading and Ejecting