4 Press the number buttons to enter the PlusCode number of the program you want to record.
COrrect on e
5 Press the number buttons to enter the PlusCode number in the VCR's memory.
The start time and channel will appear. Check the details of the program.
• If you have installed a cable box (see page 26), the cable box outputchannel will appear in the channel
• If "Err" flashes for about five seconds, check the PlusCode number of the program and enter it again.
Remote Control Illustration
6 Press the PROGRAM button to complete your programming or continue with additional
The delayed recording indicator will display on the VCR. This tells you that theVCR will automatically
record at the times and dates you have programmed_
Nbteii cassette _as _ot b_eninse_ed or _ _assette with out safet_ _ 5 has Seen inse_ed the
sure t_ i _assette wit5 safe_y _ab intact J
When you have set up all the timed recordings you want:
• Don't forget to load a videocassette 0Nith the safety tab still attached) to record on.
• If you have installed a cable box (see page 26), turn on the cable box and select the channel you want to
record on the cable box before recording starts.