List of Holding Registers
Network Data
Name R/W Description
Reg. Range Res.
B086 Frequency scaling
conversion factor
R/W Specify a constant to scale the displayed
frequency for D007 monitor, range is 0.1
to 99.9
10D5h 1 to 999 0.1
B087 STOP key enable R/W Select whether the STOP key on the
keypad is enabled,
two option codes:
10D6h 0, 1
B088 Restart mode after
R/W Selects how the inverter resumes
operation with free-run stop (FRS) is
cancelled, two options:
00…Restart from 0Hz
01…Restart from frequency detected
from real speed of motor (frequency
10D7h 0, 1
B089 Monitor display
select for networked
R/W Selects the parameter displayed on the
keypad display when the inverter is
networked, 7 options:
01…Output frequency monitor
02…Output current monitor
03…Rotation direction monitor
04…Process variable (PV), PID feedback
05…Intelligent input terminal status
06…Intelligent output terminal status
07…Scaled output frequency monitor
10D8h 1 to 7
B091 Stop mode selection R/W Select how the inverter stops the motor,
two option codes:
00…DEC (decelerate to stop)
01…FRS (free run to stop)
10DAh 0, 1
B092 Cooling fan control R/W Selects when the fan is ON per inverter
operation, three options:
00…Fan is always ON
01…Fan is ON during run, OFF during
stop (5 min. delay from ON to
02…Fan is temperature controlled
10DBh 0, 1, 2
B130 Over-voltage
LADSTOP enable
R/W Pauses deceleration ramp when DC bus
voltage rises above threshold level, in
order to avoid over-voltage trip.
Two option codes:
10F5h 0, 1
B131 Over-voltage
R/W Sets the threshold level for over-voltage
LADSTOP. When the DC bus voltage is
above the threshold value, the inverter
stops deceleration until the DC bus
voltage is less than the threshold setting
again. Two voltage ranges with 1V
330 to 395V (200V class)
660 to 790V (400V class)
10F6h 330 to 395,
660 to 790
1 V
Appendix B