
7 69-1979—04
When a new AQ2000 component is connected on the
AQUATROL network, its settings are communicated to the
AQ251's Boiler Control Module (AQ1520M0) within 10
seconds of being connected. If the component is an AQ1000
thermostat, the setpoints for that zone thermostat can be
modified from the Boiler Control Module as soon as it is
recognized by the Control Module.
When an AQ thermostat is disconnected from the AQUATROL
network, a message displays on the System Status page of
the AQ251 indicating “Lost Zone A-xx”, where “xx” is the
specific identity, or address, of the lost zone. This helps the
servicing contractor quickly identify the lost zone and fix its
wiring, to re-establish communication with the Control Module.
NO RETURN PROBE n/a No return sensor connected or it is defective.
NO SUPPLY PROBE n/a No supply sensor connected or it is defective.
SHORT CYCLE PROT n/a There is a call for heat, but less than two minutes have elapsed since the last firing of
the boiler (prevents short cycling).
VALVE INIT n/a Motorized mixing valve controlling the secondary loop is being initialized and
repositioned (opening or closing) to meet the secondary loop target temperature.
WATER READY n/a Boiler Supply Water temperature is at or above the target temperature calculated by the
WWSD ACTIVE n/a Zone calls for heat is not served because WWSD (Warm Weather Shutdown) is in
Table 2. LCD Status Notices and Error Messages. (Continued)
LCD Display Parameter Meaning