11 63-2590—05
Fig. 18. Mounting sensor in wall with nut only.
Bullet Probe Sensor Mounting (C7021N,
C7023N, C7041N)
The bullet probe sensor is a water-resistant sensor that
provides a cost-effective solution for surface contact
temperature measurement of conditioned water pipes, low
pressure steam or refrigerant lines. These sensors are ideal for
applications where immersion wells are not practical to install.
These sensors can also be use to sense air temperature.
Erratic System Operation Hazard.
Failure to follow proper wiring practices can
introduce disruptive electrical interference (noise).
Keep wiring at least one foot away from large inductive
loads such as motors line starters, lighting ballasts,
and large power distribution panels.
Shielded cable is required in installations where these
guidelines cannot be met.
Ground shield only to grounded controller case.
Electrical Shock or Equipment Damage Hazard.
Can shock individuals or short equipment
Disconnect power supply before installation.
1. All wiring must agree with applicable codes,
ordinances and regulations.
2. Do not mount sensor in incorrect environment.
3. Wire according to the applicable controller
The C7041 Temperature Sensors are designed for use with
XL500, XL100, XL50, XL15, XL10, and Honeywell LCBS
Controllers or any controller requiring 20K ohm NTC
non-linear input. As the temperature at the C7041 Sensor
increases, the resistance of the sensor decreases, causing the
controller to operate and offset the temperature change.
The C7021 Temperature Sensors are designed for use with the
TB7600, TB7300, and TB7200 Series Communicating
Thermostats or any controller requiring a 10K ohm NTC Type II
The C7023 Temperature Sensors are designed for use with
WEBs-AX I/O Modules or any controller requiring a 10K ohm
NTC Type III input.
Refer to the applicable controller instructions when checking
out the complete heating and cooling systems.
To check out the sensors, move the thermostat or remote
setpoint potentiometer below the temperature of the cooling or
heating medium. Watch the motor, valve or damper for the
correct movement.