Rev 3, March/2007 ©Honeywell International Inc. Do not print without express permission of Honeywell. 2-2
KNI 582
2. The above step should be repeated for at least one additional heading 90°
from the first.
B. ADF Accuracy
1. Depending on the application, the KNI 582 RMI can be tested for either DC
SIN/COS ADF or X, Y, Z, ADF by tuning in a station on the appropriate ADF.
2. In the DC SIN/COS Mode the needles should position the direction of the
station +5°. Repeat for at least one more station.
3. Repeat Step 2 for X, Y, Z, ADF +5°.
C. VOR Accuracy
1. Depending on the application, the KNI 582 RMI can be tested for either OBI
station on the appropriate VOR.
2. In the OBI DIGITAL VOR Mode, the single needle should point to the station
+5°. Repeat for at least one more station.
3. Repeat Step 2 for COMPOSITE VOR +5°.
4. Repeat Step 2 for OBI SIN/COS VOR +5°.
D. VOR/LOC Composite Correction Adjustment
If it is necessary to make a VOR/LOC composite needle centering adjustment
due to NAV receiver composite error, the KNI 582 RMI pointer can be adjusted
externally using the following steps:
1. With a ramp-test NAV generator, generate an output so the NAV receiver can
be tuned into a given bearing.
2. With the NAV receiver tuned to the generator frequency, insert a tuning tool
into VOR/LOC composite adjustment hole (refer to Figure 2-1) and adjust
R232 until the selected needle reads the same bearing the ramp generator.
3. Repeat Step 2 for verification of the adjustment for another bearing on the
ramp with generator.