Symptom Possible Cause(s) Solution
All Interfaces
Scanner beeps at
some bar codes and
NOT for others of the
same bar code
The print quality of the
bar code is suspect.
The type of printer and/or the printer settings could be
the problem.
Check the print mode or change the printer settings.
For example change to econo mode or high speed.
Check the character
length lock.
The aspect ratio of the
bar code is out of
The unit powers up
but does not scan
and/or beep.
The unit is trying to
scan a particular
symbology that is not
UPC/EAN and Code 128 are enabled by default.
Verify that the type of bar code being read has been
configured for a
character length lock or
a minimum length and
the bar code being
scanned does not
satisfy the configured
Verify that the bar code that is being scanned falls into
the criteria.
Typical of Non-UPC/EAN codes. The scanner defaults
to a minimum of 4 character bar code.
The unit beeps at
some bar codes but
NOT for others of the
same bar code
have been printed
Check if it is a check digit, character or border
The scanner is not
configured correctly for
this type of bar code.
Check if check digits are set properly.
The minimum symbol
length setting does not
work with the bar code.
Check if the correct minimum symbol length is set.
RS232 Only
The unit powers up
OK and scans OK
but does not
properly to the host.
host is not working or is
not configured
Check to make sure that the baud rate and parity of
the scanner and the communication port match and
the program is looking for RS232 data.
connected to the
The com port is not
operating properly.