Use o
incorrectly wound trimmer line or an
incorrect cutting attachment increases the
level of vibration.
The muffler is designed to reduce the noise
level and to direct the exhaust gases away
from the operator.
CAUTION! M uffler is fitt ed with a catalytic
converter designed to reduce harmful ex-
haust gases.
For muf flers, it is very important that you fol-
low the instructions on checking, maintain-
ing, and servicing your machine.
See Checking, maintaining and servicing the
machine’s sa fety equipment section.
W ARNING: Overexposure to
vibration can lead to circulatory
dama ge or nerve dam age in people
Contact your doctor if you experi-
ence symptoms of overexposure to
vibration. Such sy mptoms includ e
numbne ss, loss of feeling, tingling,
pricking, pai n, loss of strength,
changes in skin color or condition.
These sy mptoms norma lly appear
in the fingers, hands or wrists. The
risk increases at low temperatures.
W ARNING: Muffle rs fitted with
cataly tic converters get very hot
during use and remain so for some
time after stopping. This also ap-
plies at idle speed. Contact can re-
sult in burns to the skin. Re memb er
the risk of fire!
W ARNING: The inside of the
muffler contain chemicals that may
be carcino genic. Av oid contact with
these elements in the event of a
dama ged muffler.
W ARNING: Bear in mind that:
Engine exhaust fumes contai n car-
bon monoxide , whic h can cause
carbon monoxi de poisoning. For
this reason you should not start or
run the machine indoors, or any-
where that is poorly ventilate d.
The exhaust fumes from the engine
are hot and may contain sparks
which can start a fire. Never start
the machi ne indoors or near com-
bustible material!
Cutting equipment
A trimmer head is intended for trimming
Checking, maintaining and
servicing the machine’s
safety equipment
All servicing and repair work on the machine
requires special training. This is especially
true of the machine’ s safety equipment. If
your machine fails any of the checks de-
scribed below you must contact your se rvice
agent. When you buy any of our products we
guarantee the availability of professional re-
pairs and service. If the retailer who sells
your machine is not a servicing dealer , ask
him for the address of yo ur nearest service
Stop switch
S S tart the engine and make sure the engine
stops when you push and hold the stop
Cutting attachment guard
S E nsure that the guard i s undamaged and
is not cracked.
S R eplace the guard i f i t has been expose d
to impact or is cracked.
S A lways use the recommended guard for
the cutting attachment you are using. See
section on “Technical data”.