9. Quick Open Function
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forward after retracting in certain amount of distance, the voltage/current
condition follows the welding start condition.
② Shift : After moving in scheduled moving amount at the retry condition of welding
aux. condition, it returns to the arc occurrence step. And it tries to make
an arc occurrence in the voltage/current condition at retry condition.
③ welding line move: After moving by scheduled distance at the retract distance of
welding aux. condition's retry condition with welding line, it tries to make
an arc occurrence in the scheduled voltage/current condition at retry
condition. If the arc occurrence is success, after it returns to the welding
start point again with holding this arc, it processes the welding.
Output current : It inputs the welding current value to output at welding power
Output voltage : It inputs the welding voltage value to output at welding power
WCR input wait : It selects whether waiting WCR input or not waiting and just processing
after outputting the welding condition.
Wait time : In case that WCR input wait is “ enable” : it displays “ wait time” . timeout
time, that is WCR input maximum wait time, it processes even though the signal is not
In case that WCR input wait is “ disable” : it displays “ delay time” . It is the time
when robot is not moving after outputting the condition.
Gas blowing out : It inputs the time of gas to blow out before the arc welding starts.
Initial condition time : After WCR is input, it sets the holding time of initial current
and voltage.
Initial current : It sets the current value until WCR is input.
Initial voltage : It sets the voltage value until WCR is input.
Output type : While an arc welding, it selects whether you make it steep or unchangible
which is the status of current and voltage from initial time to the steady state.
(1) [cancel] ends without saving, “ completion” [PF5] ends after saving the changed items.