Netcool/Precision for Transmission Networks 5.5 Administration Guide60
See Table 7 for details of each parameter.
An example of one line in the hosts file is as follows:
NE1,OVM_ADM_V2,,3082,user1,pwd1,telnet,TL1,scenario_name,,,2 * *
* *
The following rules apply to configuring connections to known devices:
• All fields are mandatory and must be entered in the order specified in "Syntax" on
page 59.
• The last three fields can be omitted if the associated comma separator is retained to
indicate the position of the omitted parameter.
Note: All comma seperators are mandatory.
• Lines starting with // indicate comments and are ignored.
Table 7. Hosts file parameters
Parameter Value
neName Name of the NE (the TID in TL1).
NEType The NEType name of the NE.
host Either the host name or the host IP address.
port The port from which the NE accepts the management
usr Authentication user name.
pwd Authentication password.
connType Name of the type of connection (for example, telnet, tcp, and
so on.)
protType Name of the type of protocol (for example, TL1, SNMP, and
so on.)
scenario Scenario name, mainly used for TL1 devices.
run_first_enabled Boolean value of either true or false used to determine
whether asset polling is to be run the first time the schedule
is enabled. The default value is false.
run_always_enabled Boolean value of either true or false used to determine
whether asset polling is to be run every time the schedule is
enabled. The default value is false.
cron_tab The cron tab defining the asset polling run times.