Chapter 8. Obtaining Additional Information
This chapter describes the documentation for MQSeries for AS/400, V5.1. It
starts with a list of the publications, and then discusses:
v “Hardcopy Books” on page 93
v “Online Information” on page 93
MQSeries for AS/400, V5.1 is described in the following books:
Table 4. MQSeries for AS/400 books
Title Description
AS/400 Specific Books
GC34-5557 MQSeries for AS/400
Quick Beginnings
Gives a brief overview of MQSeries for
AS/400, and provides information on
planning for, installing, and getting started
with the product.
SC34-5558 MQSeries for AS/400
V5.1 System
Supports day-to-day management of local
and remote MQSeries objects. It includes
topics such as security, recovery and restart,
transactional support, problem
determination, and the dead-letter queue
GC34-5559 MQSeries for AS/400
V5.1 Application
Programming Reference
Provides comprehensive reference
information for users of the MQI. It includes:
data-type descriptions; MQI call syntax;
attributes of MQSeries objects; return codes;
constants; and building information for RPG.
MQSeries Family Books
GC33-1349 MQSeries Planning
Describes some key MQSeries concepts,
identifies items that need to be considered
before MQSeries is installed, including
storage requirements, backup and recovery,
security, and migration from earlier releases,
and specifies hardware and software
requirements for every MQSeries platform.
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