To increase the default font size, change the “font-size:” value from xx-small to small or medium.
To change the font style, replace the values in the “font-family:” setting with the fonts you want
the application to use.
Several of the classes in the CSS specify specific font sizes and styles that you have to change
individually. These include the SPAN.hdrGeneral, DIV.hdrMainItem001, TD.hdrFolderDetails,
and many other classes. If you want to change the font size of an item that has a class style
assigned to it, search the CSS files for the class name to see if a specific font size has been
assigned to that item and change it in the class definition of the CSS file.
Updating page text
The power of a JSP lies in its ability to supply dynamic content. The LMS application takes
advantage of this ability by resourcing much of the text on the pages of the application in
properties files (which are files named with a .properties extension). Instead of placing static text
in the source HTML for the page, you can reference a resource key in a .properties file that
contains the translated value. You can then set up the application to retrieve different .properties
files based on the locale of the browser or user preferences. This way, you can cater the text to
specific user types. Storing text strings in .properties files is especially useful for maintaining
multiple language applications.
The LMS application uses .properties files to define static text for errors and resources in each of
the servers hosting the application. The .properties files are stored in the following directory:
where [serverName] equals one of the following:
• lmm: Represents the Learning Management System server.
• ds: Represents the Delivery Server.
• duc: Represents the Offline Learning Client server.
Each properties directory contains the following two .properties files:
• ApplicationErrors.properties: Contains the resource keys for error messages.
• ApplicationResources.properties: Contains the resource keys for application resources.
A set of these files is available for each language supported by the application. The language of
the .properties file is specified by an underscore followed by the language code after the file
name. For example, the German ApplicationErrors .properties file is named
ApplicationErrors_de.properties. This naming convention is followed for all the .properties files,
except the English-language version .properties files, which are the default .properties files for
the application. The English-language .properties files have no underscore and language code
following the file names.
The .properties files in the IBM Lotus LMS application are located in the directories listed in the
table below. The files listed are English-version files, so there are no language codes attached to
the file names.
IBM Lotus Learning Management System application properties files
Server Name Directory English-Language .properties Files
Management System
Delivery WEB-
Offline Learning
Chapter 5: Customizing JavaServer Pages 35