B = 0.0008333”
A = 0.001”
F = 0.002”
C = 0.0005”
MDM 22 –
Stack Sizes
18 = Single Stack & Linear Actuator
22 = Double Stack
31 = Triple Stack
S = Single End
D = Differential
Line Count:
100, 200, 250,
400, 500, 1000, 2000
Screw Type (Travel/Full Step)
Linear Actuator Available ONLY in Stack Size 18. (MDMX2218LX)
Example #1: Part Number MDMC2222-4 is an MDrive23
Microstepping with C Connector, NEMA 22 motor, stack size 22
and +12 to +48 VDC input voltage range.
Example #4: MDMC2222-4ED500
Adds a 500 line count Differential Encoder
to the part shown in example #1.
Example #2: MDMC2222-4N
Adds a Control Knob
to the part shown in example #1.
Example #5: MDMC2218-4LB10.5
MDrive23 Microstepping Linear Actuator
with a 0.0008333”/Full Step Acme
Screw custom cut to 10.5”.
MAY NOT be combined with other options.
Note: MDrive23 Linear Actuator
Available ONLY in Stack Size 18
Custom Screw Length
Range 2.0” to 24.0”
Format XX.X
eg. 08.5 for an 8.5” Screw
(6.0” Screw Length Standard)
Example #3: MDMC2222-4G5
Rounding ratio to the nearest whole number,
the above adds a Planetary Gearbox with
5.18:1 ratio to the part shown in example #1.
Add -F if optional NEMA Flange is desired.
Input Voltage
4 = 48 VDC
7 = 75 VDC*
D = 0.0004167”
E = 0.0003125”
*MDrive 75 Volt version NOT Available with C Connector Interface Option.
Interface Options
C = Pin & Receptacle*
F = 12" Flying Leads
P = Pluggable Clamp
Type Terminal Strip
Gearbox Ratio
Rounded to Nearest Whole Number
Control Knob
The MDrive23 is available with a fac to ry-mount ed rear
control knob for man u al shaft positioning.
Planetary Gearbox
Effi cient, low maintenance Planetary Gearbox are of-
fered assembled with the MDrive23. Details inside.
The MDrive23 is available with a factory-mount ed
op ti cal en cod er. Available line counts are 100, 200,
250, 400, 500, 1000 or 2000. All en cod ers, except
1000 line, have an in dex mark. Encoders are avail-
able in both single-end and dif fer en tial confi gurations.
Order optional Encoder Cables separately:
Single-end Cable (12"/30.5cm) ... ES-CABLE-2*
Differential Cable (36"/91.5cm)... ED-CABLE-2*
*Change "2" to a "6" when ordering 2000 line encoder cable.
Linear Actuator
The MDrive23 with long life Acme Screw Linear Ac-
tuator is avail able with the following trav el/full step:
Screw F ...............0.002”/full step
Screw A ...............0.001”/full step
Screw B. ..............0.0008333”/full step
Screw C ...............0.0005”/full step
Screw D ...............0.0004167”/full step
Screw E. ...............0.0003125”/full step
Standard screw length is 6.0” (152.4mm) plus the
mounting end thread. Cus tom lengths from 2.0” to
24.0” are available without mounting end thread.
Linear Actuators are Non-Captive style. Contact the
factory regarding Captive Shaft or External styles.
Parameter Setup Cable and Adapter
The optional 6' (1.8m) Parameter Setup Cable Part
No. MD-CC100-000 eliminates the need to wire com-
munications and is recommended with fi rst order. It
connects an MDrive's 10 pin pin-header (P2) to a
standard DB-25 PC Parallel/SPI port and includes
built-in logic level shifting circuity to accommodate the
3.3v ports on some PCs. In addition, MDrives with
C Connector require an Adapter Part No. MD-ADP-
1723C to mate the Cable to the 12 po si tion pin and
receptacle connector (P1).
Prototype Development Cable
For testing and development of MDrives with C Con-
nector, the 12" (30.5cm) Prototype Development
Cable plugs into the MD-ADP-1723C Adapter and
has fl ying leads for connection to the user interface.
Part No.
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