Part 1: Hardware Specifications
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Introduction to the Microstepping MForce PowerDrive
The Microstepping MForce Pow-
erDrive is a high performance, low
cost microstepping driver that delivers
unsurpassed smoothness and perfor-
mance achieved through IMS’s advanced
2nd generation current control. By
applying innovative techniques to con-
trol current flow through the motor,
resonance is significantly dampened over
the entire speed range and audible noise is
Microstepping MForce PowerDrives
accept a broad input voltage range
from +12 to +75 VDC, delivering enhanced
performance and speed. Oversized input
capacitors are used to minimize power line
surges, reducing problems that can occur
with long runs and multiple drive systems.
An extended operating range of –40° to +85°C provides long life, trouble free service in demanding environments.
The high, per phase output current of up to 5 Amps RMS, 7 Amps Peak, allows the extremely compact MForce
PowerDrive to control a broad array of motors from size 23 to size 42.
The microstepping drive accepts up to 20 resolution settings from full to 256 microsteps per full step, including:
degrees, metric and arc minutes. These settings may be changed on-the-fly or downloaded and stored in nonvolatile
memory with the use of a simple GUI which is provided. This eliminates the need for external switches or resistors.
Parameters are changed via an SPI port.
The versatile Microstepping MForce PowerDrive comes with dual mounting configurations to fit various system needs.
All interface connections are accomplished using pluggable locking wire crimp connectors. Optional cables are avail-
able for ease of connecting and configuring the MForce, and are recommended with first order.
The Microstepping
MForce PowerDrive
is a compact, powerful and inexpensive solution that will reduce system
cost, design and assembly time for a large range of applications.
The IMS SPI Motor Interface software is an easy to install and use GUI for configuring the Microstepping MForce
PowerDrive from a computer's USB port. GUI access is via the IMS SPI Motor Interface included on the CD
shipped with the product, or from www.imshome.com. Optional cables are available for ease of connecting and
configuring the MForce.
The IMS SPI Motor Interface features:
Easy installation.
Automatic detection of MForce version
and communication conguration.
Will not set out-of-range values.
Tool-tips display valid range setting for each option.
Simple screen interfaces.
Figure 1.1.1: Microstepping MForce PowerDrive