Page 12 of 21 2443-222/2443-422/2443-522 - Rev: 1/21/2014 8:28 AM
Remove Micro Module as a Controller
If you no longer want Micro module to control another device (or are removing Micro module from your network) it is
important that you follow the instructions below for each responder.
1) Press and hold Micro module Set button until it beeps
LED will start blinking green
2) Press and hold Micro module Set button until it beeps again
LED will start blinking red
3) Press and hold responder Set button until it double-beeps
Micro module will double-beep and LED will stop blinking
4) Test by tapping Micro module on and off
Former responder will not respond
Remove Micro Module as a Responder
If you no longer want a controller button to control Micro module, follow these directions.
Note: If you ever wish to uninstall Micro module, it is important that you remove all Micro module responder links.
Otherwise, controllers will repetitively retry commands, creating network delays.
1) Press and hold controller button until it beeps
LED will start blinking green
2) Press and hold controller button until it beeps again
LED will start blinking red
3) Press and hold Micro module Set button until it double-beeps
Controller LED will stop blinking
4) Test by tapping controller button on and off
Micro module will no longer respond
Remove Micro Module as a Controller of Multiple Responders
1) Press and hold Micro module Set button until it beeps
LED will start blinking green
2) Press and hold Micro module Set button until it beeps again
LED will start blinking red
3) Tap Micro module Set button
LED will start double-blinking red
4) For each responder you are removing:
a. Press and hold Set button until it double-beeps
5) Tap Micro module Set button
Micro module will beep and LED will stop blinking
6) Test by tapping the switch wired into Micro module on and off
None of the former responders will respond
Factory Reset
All settings, links and scenes will be erased.
1) Press and hold Micro module Set button until it beeps
LED will start blinking green
2) Press and hold Micro module Set button until it beeps again
LED will start blinking red
3) Press and hold Micro module Set button until it beeps a third time
LED will start blinking green
4) Slowly tap Micro module Set button 3 times
LED will start double-blinking green
5) Press and hold Micro module Set button. Do not let go.
Micro module will begin to emit a long beep