Advanced Setup
Equalizer Settings
With these settings, you can adjust the tone of each
speaker. The volume of each speaker can be set on
page 66.
• This procedure can also be performed on the AV
receiver by using its [Setup] button, arrow buttons, and
[Enter] button.
Press the [Receiver] Remote
Mode button, followed by the
[Setup] button.
The main menu appears onscreen.
Use the Up and Down [ ]/[ ]
buttons to select “3. Speaker
Setup,” and then press [Enter].
The Speaker Setup menu appears.
Use the Up and Down [ ]/[ ]
buttons to select “Equalizer Set-
tings,” and then press [Enter].
The Equalizer Settings menu appears.
Use the Left and Right [ ]/[ ]
buttons to set the “a. Use Set-
tings” option to:
Equalizer off, flat response.
The equalizer for each
speaker is set automatically
by the Automatic Speaker
Setup function.
The equalizer for each
speaker can be set manually.
If you selected Manual, continue with
the next step. If you selected Off or
Auto, go to step 8.
These settings are set automatically by the Automatic
Speaker Setup function (see page 37).
Use the Down [ ] button to
select “b. Channel,” and then use
the Left and Right [ ]/[ ] but-
tons to select a speaker.
Use the Up and Down [ ]/[ ]
buttons to select a frequency,
and then use the Left and Right
[ ]/[ ] buttons to cut or boost
that frequency.
Each band can be cut or boosted from
–6 dB to +6 dB in 1 dB steps.
Low frequencies (e.g., 80Hz)
affect bass sounds; high frequencies
(e.g., 8kHz) affect treble sounds.
Use the Up [ ] button to select
“b. Channel,” and then use the
Left and Right [ ]/[ ] buttons to
select another speaker.
Repeat steps 6 and 7 for each speaker.
Press the [Setup] button.
Setup closes.
3-6.Equalizer Settings
a.Use Settings:Manual
b.Channel :Left
c. 80Hz : 0dB
d. 250Hz : 0dB
e. 800Hz : 0dB
f.2.5kHz : 0dB
g. 8kHz : 0dB
b.Channel :Left