
Chapter 1 — Getting Started
EasyCoder PD41 Printer User’s Guide 9
Connecting the Printer through the USB interface
In order to use the USB connection, you need to install the
Intermec InterDriver software on your computer. This can be
found on the PrinterCompanion CD along with instructions on
how to install it. The USB interface is not suitable for terminal
connections and thus not for programming.
Connecting the Printer to a Network
The printer is set to automatically receive an IP number from the
network (DHCP). The blue Ready-to-Work LED is lit steadily if
the printer has been succesfully connected to the network. The IP
number will be printed on the test label (see next section on how
to print test labels), which can be used to check the printer’s
settings on the printer home page. This is accessed by entering
the printer’s IP number in the adress field of your web browser,
for example
If your network does not assign IP numbers automatically, or the
Ready-to-Work indicator is flashing to indicate a network error,
you can use PrintSet 4 (found on the Printer Companion CD) to
correct the network settings. Alternatively, set up a terminal
connection through the serial interface and use the Fingerprint
SETUP command. See Chapter 5, “Configuring Setup”, or refer
to the Intermec Fingerprint v10.X.X Programmer’s Reference
The network connection can be used either with LabelShop or
the Intermec InterDriver. It can also be used to directly send
commands to the printer through a terminal connection, such as
one established through the Windows HyperTerminal program.
In this case, it utilizes the Raw TCP protocol through port 9100.
Connecting the Printer through the Serial Port
The serial connection can be used either with LabelShop or the
Intermec InterDriver. It can also be used to directly send
commands to the printer through a terminal connection, such as
one established through the Windows HyperTerminal program.
The printer’s default serial communication settings are: baud rate
9600, 8 data bits, no parity, 1 stop bit and no flow control. See
Appendix C, “Setup parameters,” for more information.