
13) WHITE BALANCE: This setting improves color accuracy when the ambient light is either too cool (blue
or green) or too warm (yellow/orange). Examples of cool lighting situations are cloudy day, diving at depths
below 20 feet / 6 meters in either fresh or salt water, fluorescent light, or scenes in shade. Examples of
warm lighting situations are candlelight and tungsten light. Setting choices are AUTO, SUNNY (daylight
situations), CLOUDY (cool light situations), FLUORESCENT (under fluorescent lighting), INCANDESCENT
(under filament lamp lighting) and MANUAL.
To use MANUAL white balance:
a) Select MANUAL and press OK button to activate.
b) Press MENU button 2 times to go back to main screen. The manual white balance icon will be blinking at
the top of the LCD screen.
c) Aim camera at white balance board or a white object and press SHUTTER button. White balance is now
set to current ambient light.
d) To reset manual white balance for a new ambient light situation, turn camera off and on to reactivate
blinking manual white balance icon and repeat step c.
14) EXPOSURE VALUE: This setting adjusts the brightness or darkness of the video/photo between ±2 f
stops. Setting to positive values will brighten imagery, while negative values will darken imagery.
15) AF MODE: This feature selects the general area in a scene that the cameras uses when calculating
image exposure. Selecting AVERAGE causes camera to adjust exposure to light coming from the overall
area as viewed in LCD. Selecting CENTER will decrease this area towards the middle of the scene.
Selecting SPOT will cause camera to adjust exposure based on light coming from a very concentrated area
in the middle of the scene.
SETTING menu is the same for both video and photo (picture) modes. Press the MENU button and use UP
or DOWN button to highlight SETTING menu icon. Press OK button to enter SETTING sub-menu. Use the
UP or DOWN button to scroll through the sub-menu and press OK button to select from LCD OFF, TIME
SYSTEM, STAMP, BEEP SOUND, and FIRMWARE VERSION. After selecting sub-menu, use UP or
DOWN to scroll through choices, press OK button to select and press MENU button to go to main screen.
1) LCD OFF: This setting turns off LCD screen after a specific time period when 30 sec, 1 min or 3 minutes
is selected. Select OFF to deactivate LCD OFF function and keep LCD on. Use this feature to conserve
battery power.
2) TIME SETUP: This setting allows current date and time to be set. With sub-menu item highlighted,
press OK button to enter setting. Press UP or DOWN button to change number and press MENU button to
scroll to next. When done, press OK button to confirm and go back to sub-menu.
3) AUTO POWER OFF: This setting turns off camera after a specific time period when 30 sec, 1 min or 3
minutes is selected. Select OFF to deactivate AUTO POWER OFF function. Use this feature to conserve
battery power.
4) VOLUME: This setting allows beep sound volume to be turned off when set to 00 or adjusted from level
01 through 13.
5) RESET SYSTEM SETTINGS: This function allows camera settings to be reset to factory default.