450 Lifts
Lift Specifications
Power Lift Power Lift w/
Hydraulic Low Base w/ Low Base Power Opening Base
RHL450-1 RPL450-1 RPL450-2
Maximum at sling hook-up 71" 74" 74"
Minimum at sling hook-up 25" 24" 24"
Base height (clearance) 4.5" 4.5" 4.5"
Base width
Open 41" 41" 41"
Closed 26.5" 26.5" 26.5"
Base length 48" 48" 48"
Front 3" 3" 3"
Rear 5" 5" 5"
Weight capacity 450 lb. 450 lb. 450 lb.
Product weight
Out-of-carton 93 lb. 106 lb. 109 lb.
Removable battery pack
One 24-volt rechargeable sealed X X
Charger output 24-volt DC X X
Audible “low battery” alarm X X
Lifts per charge: 150-300* X X
*Varies with lift range and load.
Complete instructions for lift usage and sling procedures are found in the Invacare Operating Manual.
Only Invacare slings and accessories should be used on Invacare lifts.
Hand Pendant
• Ergonomic control with heavy-duty cord
• Convenient pendant hook
allows attachment and
on multiple areas of lift
Rear Locking Brakes
• Locking feature on 5" rear casters is standard on
all models