Invacare Corporation
One Invacare Way
Elyria, Ohio
(800) 333-6900
570 Matheson Blvd. E.
Unit 8
Mississauga, Ontario
L4Z 4G4 Canada
(800) 668-5324
Invacare, the Blue Medallion
Design, Yes, you can.,
microAIR and Turn-Q are
registered trademarks and
CareGuard and 3500S are
trademarks of Invacare
Corporation. Specifications are
subject to change without
All products featured are
manufactured by Invacare
Corporation and Genadyne
Biotechnologies, Inc.
© 2006
Invacare Corporation
Form No. 06-059
‘‘Invacare says
‘Yes, you can.
’ and I couldn’t
have said it better myself.’’
All references to HCPCS codes:
Providers are responsible for
determining the appropriate
billing codes when submitting
claims to the Medicare pro-
gram, and should consult an
attorney or other advisor to
discuss specific situations in
further details.
Model No. Description Mattress Dimensions Weight Capacity HCPCS Code
IVCGFMO Invacare
Gel Foam Mattress Overlay
35" W x 78" x 3.5"H
250 lb. E0185
CG10180 CareGuard
101 Foam Mattress meets Calif.TB 106,117
35" W x 80" x 3.5"H
250 lb. E0184
CG10180CA CareGuard
101 Foam Mattress meets Calif.TB 106,117 & 603
35" W x 80" x 3.5"H
250 lb. E0184
CG9701 CareGuard
APP Alternating Pressure Pad
34" W x 118" x 2.5"H
250 lb. E0180
CG9702 CG9701 replacement pad 10-pack
MNS400-E Invacare
Alternating Pressure Mattress
36" W x 80" x 8.5"H
350 lb. E0277
MNS400-S Invacare
Alternating Pressure Mattress
36" W x 80" x 8.5"H
350 lb. E0277
MNS400-SMATT Mattress only
MNS400-POWER Power unit only
MNS400-B Invacare
Bariatric Alternating Pressure Mattress
42" W x 80" x 8.5"H
600 lb. E0277
MNS400-BMATT Mattress only
MNS400-BPOWER Power unit only
BB9572000 microAIR
Low Air Loss Mattress Replacement
37" W x 84" x 9"H
350 lb. E0277
9570020 Transport mat for use with microAIR
BB9572038 BB9572000 Mattress only
BB9572037 BB9572000 Power unit only
MNS500-S Invacare
Low Air Loss Mattress Replacement
36" W x 80" x 8.5"H
350 lb. E0277
MNS500-MATT Mattress only
MNS500-POWER Power unit only
MNS500-B Invacare
Bariatric Low Air Loss Mattress Replacement
42" W x 80" x 8.5"H
600 lb. E0277
MNS500-BMATT Mattress only
MNS500B-POWER Power unit only
MNS600-S Invacare
Lateral Turning Mattress
36" W x 80" x 8.5" H
500 lb. E0277
MNS600-SMATT Mattress only
MNS600-POWER Power unit only
MNS600-B Invacare
Bariatric Lateral Turning Mattress
42" W x 80" x 8.5" H
750 lb. E0277
MNS600-BMATT Mattress only
MNS600-BPOWER Power unit only
MNS500AP Invacare
Low Air Loss,Alternating Pressure Mattress
36" W x 80" x 8.5" H
350 lb. E0277
MNS500AP-MATT Mattress only
MNS500AP-POWER Power unit only
MNS500AP-B Invacare
Bariatric Low Air Loss,Alternating Pressure Mattress
42" W x 80" x 8.5" H
600 lb. E0277
MNS500AP-BMATT Mattress only
MNS500AP-BPOWER Power unit only
BB9612000 microAIR
Plus Low Air Loss,Lateral Rotation Mattress
37" W x 84" x 8" H
500 lb. E0277
9570020 Transport mat for use with microAIR Turn-Q
BB9612015 BB9572000 Mattress only
BB9612014 BB9572000 Power unit only
ACT1* Invacare
ACT Mattress
35" W x 75" x 8" H
1,000 lb. pending
ACT2 Invacare
ACT Mattress
35" W x 80" x 8" H
1,000 lb. pending
ACT3* Invacare
ACT Mattress
35" W x 75" x 8" H
1,000 lb. pending
ACT4* Invacare
ACT Mattress
35" W x 80" x 8" H
1,000 lb. pending
ACT5* Invacare
ACT Mattress
42" W x 75" x 8" H
1,000 lb. pending
ACT6 Invacare
ACT Mattress
42" W x 80" x 8" H
1,000 lb. pending
ACT7* Invacare
ACT Mattress
35" W x 75" x 8" H
1,000 lb. pending
ACT8* Invacare
ACT Mattress
35" W x 80" x 8" H
1,000 lb. pending
ACT9* Invacare
ACT Mattress
35" W x 75" x 8" H
1,000 lb. pending
ACT10* Invacare
ACT Mattress
35" W x 80" x 8" H
1,000 lb. pending
ACT11* Invacare
ACT Mattress
42" W x 75" x 8" H
1,000 lb. pending
ACT12* Invacare
ACT Mattress
42" W x 80" x 8" H
1,000 lb. pending
* Special order item, Allow 2-4 weeks for delivery
06-059 9/26/06 7:59 AM Page 12