
EVO Loudspeaker Systems have been optimized for small to mid-size venues, where a pair will sufficiently reinforce
sound for an audience of up to five hundred people. They have been designed with specific applications in mind: schools
and sports facilities; places of worship; and performance venues. Typically the program of events are quite varied and high
quality reinforcement is required for speech, live music and recorded music playback. Figures 4-7 below show some typical
type venues and an identifiable area that requires sound reinforcement, we identify this as the listening area. This section
describes how to optimize the placement and position of the EVO Loudspeaker in these typical applications in order that the
entire listening area receives good sound. These are very simple instructions and are for ideal situations. As guidelines, they
are approximate and it may not be possible to follow them in all situations. In the end, final aiming decisions must be based
on what is actually heard when walking the room. Use your ears.
Schools and Sports Facilities
Places of Worship
Fan-Shaped Room
Places of Worship
Rectangular-Shaped Room
Performance Venues
= Listening Area
= Listening Area
= Listening Area
= Listening Area
Figure 4
Figure 6
Figure 7
Figure 5