
Bi-Amplified System
In a bi-amplified system, array shading is accomplished by connecting separate amplifier channels to the HF
section of each VRX932LA. In larger arrays, a single amplifier channel may be used for two adjacent loudspeak-
ers. Array shading is then accomplished by adjusting the gain of the HF amplifier channels. For extremely pre-
cise control over system performance, it may also be desirable to dedicate an individual system controller output
to each HF amplifier channel.
+3 dB
0 dB
-3 dB
Array Configuration Selector (ACS)
Below is an example of applying the ACS in a three-speaker array. In this particular configuration, the ACS on
the top speaker is set at +3 dB, the middle speaker at 0 dB, and the bottom speaker -3 dB.