1. When ordering parts, be sure to include the model and serial number of the
unit or component. The serial number may be located by referring to
SECTION VII, SERIAL NUMBER LOCATION. Confirm all telephone orders in
writing immediately to avoid duplicating shipment.
2. ORIGINAL EQUIPMENT; Where component serial numbers are given, these
apply only to equipment and components originally furnished with the unit.
Where equipment has been changed or upgraded these numbers may not be
an adequate description.
3. SHIPMENT; Specify shipping address, phone number, billing address and
method of shipment. UPS and air express shipments must have street
address for delivery. All shipments will be made freight collect unless
instructed otherwise.
4. SHORTAGES; Claims for shortages, damage or errors should be made
immediately upon receipt of parts. No responsibility will be assumed for delay,
damage or loss of material while in transit. Broken, damaged or lost material
should be refused or a full description made of damage or loss to the carrier
agent on the freight or express bill.
5. RETURN OF PARTS; If for any reason you desire to return parts to the
factory or to any distributor from whom these parts were obtained, you must
first secure permission to return the parts. Shipping instructions will be given
along with this permission. A fifteen percent handling charge must be
assessed against the returned shipment unless an error is made by the factory
or by the distributor when filling your order.