PY80265,05GO943 –19–10SEP05–1/1
Engine Break-In Oil
New engines are filled at the factory with John Deere
ENGINE BREAK-IN OIL. During the break-in period,
add John Deere ENGINE BREAK-IN OIL as needed to
maintain the specified oil level. Change the oil and
filter after the first 100 hours of operation of a new or
rebuilt engine.
PY80265,05GO944 –19–10SEP05–1/1
Work In Ventilated Area
TS220 –UN–23AUG88
Engine exhaust fumes can cause sickness or death. If it is
necessary to run an engine in an enclosed area, remove
the exhaust fumes from the area with an exhaust pipe
If you do not have an exhaust pipe extension, open the
doors and get outside air into the area
PY80265,05GO945 –19–10SEP05–1/1
Using High-Pressure Washers
T6642EJ –UN–18OCT88
IMPORTANT: Directing pressurized water at
electronic/electrical components or
connectors, bearings and hydraulic
seals, fuel injection pumps or other
sensitive parts and components may
cause product malfunctions. Reduce
pressure, and spray at a 45 to 90
degree angle.