Operating the Engine
PY80265,05I0127 –19–12SEP05–1/1
Changing Engine Speeds
PY4485 –UN–16FEB06PY4937 –UN–01JUN06
A—Hand Throttle
B—Foot Throttle
To increase speed, push hand throttle (A) forward.
To temporarily increase engine speed above hand throttle
setting, depress foot throttle (B).
CAUTION: Engine should be kept at idling for
30 sec before the RPM is increased, this should
be strictly followed otherwise sudden
acceleration may damage the Turbocharger.
PY80265,05I0128 –19–02JUN06–1/1
Warming Up the Engine
PY5775 –UN–02JUN06
Do not place tractor under full load until it is properly
warmed up.
1. Idle engine at about 1200 rpm for 1 to 2 minutes (2 to
4 minutes in cold weather) .
2. Run engine at about 1900 rpm and under light load
until engine reaches normal operation condition.
NOTE: If hydraulic functions are slow, see Warming
Hydraulic Oil in Rockshaft and 3-Point Hitch