28 Dealer Service
MAN0826 (8/31/2010)
Spindle Disassembly
1. Place spindle assembly in press and press shaft
down through housing.
2. Remove seals from housing.
3. Remove bearing cups from housing by placing a
punch in the slots provided and driving them out.
Alternate punch positions from side to side. Take
care to prevent housing damage.
Spindle Assembly (Figure 14)
■ Improper positioning of seals can cause seal
damage. An improperly installed seal will leak and
could cause bearing failure.
Figure 14. Spindle and Shaft Assembly
Bearing cones and cups are designed to work together.
It is important to position them so bearing cone taper
mates with cup taper.
1. Lubricate new cups with a light oil. Place them in
spindle housing so they will mate with bearing
cones. Cups and cones are a press fit to minimize
2. Seat cups securely with a press or place a large
drift in the flat lip and drive them into housing until
cup seats against machined shoulder of housing.
3. Place bottom bearing cone into spindle with taper
positioned to mate with cup.
4. Identify the open side of the seal containing the
5. Apply a thin coat of Permatex to the area of
housing where seals seat.
6. Install bottom seal with spring up toward center of
7. Place seal squarely on housing and select a piece
of pipe or tubing with an OD that will set on outside
edge of seal. A tubing with an OD that is too small
will bow seal cage.
8. Carefully press seal into housing to prevent
distortion to metal seal cage. Bottom seal should
seat firmly and squarely against machined
shoulder in housing.
9. Make sure seal lip did not roll under. Distortion to
seal cage or damage to seal lip will cause seal to
leak. Damaged seals must be replaced.
10. Insert shaft and bearing through bottom of housing.
11. Fill housing cavity with a medium grade grease.
12. Install top bearing on shaft to mate with top cone.
13. Apply a thin coat of Permatex to shaft area where
sleeve will seat.
14. Install sleeve on shaft and press sleeve and
bearing into housing until all free play is removed
and there is a very light drag on bearings (similar to
adjusting front wheel bearings on an automobile).
Check by spinning spindle. It should turn freely.
15. Be careful not to overtighten bearings. Proper
bearing adjustment is essential to good bearing
16. If you overtighten bearings, hold spindle housing
and rap spindle shaft with a lead hammer.
17. Carefully press top seal in with spring up. Top seal
should be flush with or to within 1/16" above the
18. Rotate housing on spindle shaft, checking for free
19. Install grease fitting in spindle shaft.
1. Grease fitting
2. Seal, 1.50 x 2.12 x .31
3. Sleeve, 1.14 x 1.50 x .55
4. Bearing cone
5. Bearing cup
6. Spindle housing
7. Shaft, blade spindle