3.03 - Light Kit Installation
The light kit comes standard and contains two lights, two brackets and wiring harness.
To install the light kit do the following:
1. Attach the light fixtures to the bracket using the supplied bolts M6x25 and nuts M6.
Note: Be sure to route the wires through the large hole in the center of the mounting
bracket before installing bolts.
2. Route the strand of wires with green wire down the right side of the unit (remember
that left or right is determined by facing in the direction the implement will travel
when going forward). Route the strand of wires with yellow wire down the left side of
the unit. Do not install the wire ties. This will be done later in the assembly process.
3. Plug the wire harness to the wire harness on the light fixture (see photo A).
4. Slide the assembled plug underneath the mounting plate and between the bolts (see
photo B).
5. Carefully insert the wires into the supplied 3/8” wire loom (see photo C). Use
electrical tape to attach the wire loom to the wire harness. Use enough wire loom to
Photo A Photo B
Photo C
Photo D Photo E