Dealer Service 21
5WPMAN0242 (Rev. 7/21/2008)
2. Lubricate new cups (6) with a light oil. Place them
in spindle housing (5) so they will mate with cones
3. Seat cups (6) against machined shoulder of hous-
ing with a press or by placing a large drift on the flat
lip and driving them into housing.
4. Place bottom bearing cone (4) onto spindle shaft
(7) with taper up. Seat on bottom shoulder of shaft
with a press.
5. Insert shaft and bearing cone assembly through
bottom of housing (5).
6. Fill housing cavity with a lithium grease of #2 con-
sistency with a MOLY (molybdenum disulfide) addi-
tive. Place top bearing cone (4) on shaft (7) to mate
with top bearing cup.
7. Install sleeve (3) on shaft and press sleeve and
bearing cone onto shaft until all bearing free play is
removed and there is a slight drag (similar to
adjusting the front wheel bearings on an automo-
8. Check by spinning spindle. It should turn freely.
9. Be careful not to overtighten bearings. Proper
bearing adjustment is essential to good bearing
10. Should you overtighten bearings, hold spindle
housing and rap spindle shaft with a lead hammer
to loosen bearings. Readjust bearings until proper
setting is obtained.
Proper seal installation is important. An improperly
installed seal will leak and could cause bearing fail-
11. Pull the rubber portion of seal back and locate
12. Apply a thin coat of lubricant to bottom seal (2) and
install with spring up toward center of housing.
13. Place bottom seal squarely on housing. Select a
piece of pipe or tubing with an OD that will set on
outside edge of seal. A tube that is too small will
bow seal cage.
14. Carefully press seal into housing, preventing dis-
tortion to metal seal cage. Seal should seat firmly
and squarely against machined shoulder in hous-
15. Make sure seal lip did not roll under. Distortion to
seal cage or damage to seal lip will cause seal to
leak. Damaged seals must be replaced.
16. Apply a thin coat of lubricant to top seal (2) and
install with spring up away from center of housing.
Top seal should be flush with top of housing.
17. Lubricate spindle with a lithium grease of #2 con-
sistency with a MOLY (molybdenum disulfide) addi-
tive. Vent top seal with blunt edged tool, such as a
letter opener, while filling with grease. Rotate hous-
ing on spindle shaft, checking for free movement.
Figure 14. GM1060 & GM1072 Spindle Assemblies
1. Spindle assembly
2. Seal
3. Sleeve
4. Bearing cone
5. Housing & cups
6. Cup
7. Shaft
8. Grease fitting, 1/8 Pipe thread 45°
9A. Grease fitting for right and center
9B. 30° Grease fitting for left spindle
10. Grease fitting, 45°