PR-Series Operator’s Manual-E/F 15
1. Inlet water supply must be a minimum of 20 PSI (1.4
Attempting to operate the washer with less than
adequate water supply will cause rapid wear of
packings, valves and bearings that will dramatically
shorten pump life. Symptoms of inadequate water
supply are pump shuddering and attening of the
supply hose.
2. Inlet water ow must be at least 125% of pump rated
ow (see table below). Check volume by timing how
long it takes to ll a 5 gallon (19 L) container. For
example, a ow rate of 3.0 GPM would ll a 5 gallon
container in 5/3 minute (100 seconds).
3. Water supply hose should be a good grade of garden
hose with a minimum I.D. 5/8 in. (16mm) and no longer
than 50 ft. (15.24 m). If longer supply hose must be
used, check to be certain ow is at least equal to the
“GPM Supply Required” value listed at the bottom of
this page for your washer.
4. If non-pressurized (static draw) water supply is used,
check to be certain ow is at least 125% of pump
rated ow (see table below). In static draw situations,
water ow rate (GPM) can be increased by elevating
the water supply tank or changing to a larger inside
diameter water supply hose.
5. Adding on extension to the supply hose will reduce
water ow rates. Check for adequate water ow rate
each time an extension is added. Water ow rates
can be increased by using the largest possible internal
diameter supply hose.
IMPORTANT: Inlet water temperature must not be more
than 125° F (60° C). Damage to the pump
may result.
Washer Rated Flow GPM Supply
(GPM) Required
PR-3000GS ............... 2.4 ............................3.0
PR-3000GH ............... 2.4 ............................3.0
PR-3400GS ............... 2.8 ............................3.5
PR-3400GH ............... 2.8 ............................3.5
PR-4000GS ............... 3.4 ............................4.2
PR-4000GH ............... 3.4 ............................4.2
Preparing the Washer