
Your TV is equipped with V-Chip technology which enables TV Parental Guideline and Movie (MPAA) Guideline
controls. V-Chip technology allows you to program your TV to receive, or not to receive, programs based on content
according to the guidelines. Programs which exceed the ratings limits you set will be blocked from viewing.
U.S. Parental Rating Systems
Programs with the following Ratings are appropriate for Children.
TV-Y is Appropriate for All Children. Programs are created for very young viewers and should be suitable for all ages,
including children ages 2 - 6.
TV-Y7 is for Older Children. Most parents would find such programs suitable for children 7 and above. They may
contain some mild fantasy violence or comedic violence, which children should be able to discern from reality.
Programs with the following Ratings are designed for the entire audience.
TV-G stands for General Audience. Most parents would find these programs suitable for all age groups. They
contain little or no violence, no strong language, and little or no sexual dialog or situations.
TV-PG Parental Guidance Suggested. May contain some, but not much, strong language, limited violence, and some
suggestive sexual dialog or situations. It is recommended that parents watch these programs first, or with their children.
TV-14 Parents Strongly Cautioned. Programs contain some material that may be unsuitable for children under the
age of 14 including possible intense violence, sexual situations, strong coarse language, or intensely suggestive
dialog. Parents are cautioned against unattended viewing by children under 14.
TV-MA Mature Audiences Only. These programs are specifically for adults and may be unsuitable for anyone
under 17 years of age. TV-MA programs may have extensive V, S, L, or D.
Special Note about Ratings
Some programs are broadcast without a ratings signal. Therefore, even if you setup V-CHIP ratings limits, these programs
will not be blocked. Parents are cautioned to preview the contents of these programs or movies.
Note (for Canadian viewers):
The V-CHIP function is based on specifications designed for the United States and
therefore may not work properly in Canada.
MPAA (Motion Picture Assoc. of America) Ratings
NR - Not Rated.
This is a film which has no rating. In many cases these films were imported from countries which do not use the MPAA ratings
system. Other NR films may be from amateur producers who didn’t intend to have their film widely released.
“NR” Programming may contain all types of programming including children's programming, foreign programs, or adult material.
G - General Audience. In the opinion of the review board, these films contain nothing in the way of sexual content,
violence, or language that would be unsuitable for audiences of any age.
PG - Parental Guidance. Parental Guidance means the movie may contain some contents such as mild violence, some
brief nudity, and strong language. The contents are not deemed intense.
PG-13 - Parents Strongly Cautioned. Parents with children under 13 are cautioned that the content of movies with
this rating may include more explicit sexual, language, and violence content than movies rated PG.
R - Restricted. These films contain material that is explicit in nature and is not recommended for unsupervised chil-
dren under the age of 17.
NC-17 - No One Under 17. These movies contain content which most parents would feel is too adult for their children to
view. Content can consist of strong language, nudity, violence, and suggestive or explicit subject matter.
X - No One under 18. Inappropriate material for anyone under 18.
Viewing Guidelines
In addition to general ratings, programs may include specific information on content. The following codes are used:
• V/FV is for VIOLENCE/FANTASY VIOLENCE • S stands for SEXUAL CONTENT • L stands for strong LANGUAGE
• D stands for suggestive DIALOG
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