K3 1RU AB Switch Page 21
This read only variable returns the current status of the power supply 1 as an enumerated integer where:
1 = ok
2 = failed.
This read only variable returns the current status of the power supply 2 as an enumerated integer where:
1 = ok
2 = failed.
This read only variable returns the status of the synchronization channel (special models only) as an
enumerated integer where:
0 = ok
1 = fail
Trap Definitions
ps1Failed specific-1
This trap is sent when ever power supply 1 fails. It carries not variable bindings.
ps1Ok specific-2
This trap is sent when ever power supply 1 returns to serves. It carries not variable bindings.
ps2Failed specific-3
This trap is sent when ever power supply 2 fails. It carries not variable bindings.
ps2Ok specific-4
This trap is sent when ever power supply 2 returns to serves. It carries not variable bindings.
switchChanged specific-5
This trap is sent when ever any or multiple switches are changed by any means. This trap will contain a
variable binding for each card in the nest that has changed.
syncStatus specific-6
This trip is sent when ever the status of the nest synchronization changes. It will contain the k16Sync
variable. Only available in special models.