Resetting Menu Items
The values for particular parameters can be reset
individually. This allows you to restore the default
setting if you are unsatisfied with the adjusted values.
Some parameters are shared between features and,
if reset in one area, will be reset in all areas that share
that parameter.
To reset individual menu items:
1. Select the menu for the value you wish to reset.
2. Double press the knob associated with the value.
Restoring to Factory Defaults
You can restore your switcher to the factory default
settings. You may wish to do this when
troubleshooting problems with your switcher.
Restoring to factory defaults resets the entire
switcher. Save any configuration information to a
memory register if you wish to re-load it after
performing the factory default.
To restore factory defaults:
1. Press MENU.
2. Press the RESET Wipe Pattern button.
3. Press NEXT.
4. Press the Factry Reset knob.
5. Press the Confrm knob to perform the reset.
Press the Cancel knob to cancel the reset.
USB Storage
You can use the USB port to:
• Save and load memory sets to a USB drive
• Perform software upgrades
These files and settings can be copied and
backed-up on a standard computer.
• Wait 5 seconds after inserting a USB drive into the
USB port before using it.
For More Information on...
• performing software upgrades, refer to the section
“Software Upgrades” on page 29.
Saving Memory Banks and Registers
You can save up to 9 sets of up to 100 memory
registers on a USB drive.
To save memory registers to a USB drive:
1. Insert a USB drive into the USB port.
2. Press MENU.
3. Press the SAVE Wipe Pattern button.
4. Press the Mems knob to display the Save
Memory menu.
5. Press NEXT to cycle through the sets.
6. Press the knob for the set you want to save the
memory registers to.
7. Use the left knob to select which memory
registers you wish to save. You can choose from
the following:
• All — All memory banks and registers are
stored to the selected set on the USB drive.
• Bank — You can specify which memory bank
is stored and which memory bank to store to
the selected set on the USB drive.
• Indiv — You can specify which memory
register is stored and which memory register
to store to the selected set on the USB drive.
8. If you selected Indiv or Bank, select the memory
bank or register to store as follows:
• If you selected Indiv, use the Local knob to
select the memory register you wish to save.
The selected register is indicated as X.Y
where X is the memory bank and Y is the
memory register. Use the USB knob to select
the memory register on the USB drive you
wish to save to.
• If you selected Bank, use the Local knob to
select the memory bank you wish to save. Use
the USB knob to select the bank on the USB
drive you wish to save to.
9. Press the left knob to commit the save.
10. Press The Confrm knob to perform the save.
Press the Cancel knob to cancel the save.
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