Manufacturers’ codes for TV
Anam 003, 004, 009, 068, 161, 425, 426
Anam National 161, 250, 425
Blaupunkt 554
Daewoo 066, 092, 154, 391, 402, 451
ECE 037
Etron 009, 283
Fortress 093
Funai 264, 342
General 186
GoldStar 002, 037, 039, 178, 283, 457, 467
Grundig 535
Hitachi 145
JVC 036, 053, 069, 094, 160
Marantz 054
Matsushita 250
Mitsubishi 150, 241
National 226
NEC 030, 170
Nicamagic 216
Panasonic 161, 250
Philips 037
Pioneer 166
Samsung 060, 090, 427
Sanyo 208, 376, 424
Sharp 093, 256
Sony 000
Telefunken 252
Thomson 560
Toshiba 156, 502
Victor 036, 053, 160, 250, 376
Manufacturers’ codes for VCR
Akai 281, 288
Anam 037, 162, 226, 240, 278
Anam National 162, 226
Blaupunkt 226
Daewoo 020, 046, 278, 368, 552
Funai 000
General 052
GoldStar 037, 225, 471
Grundig 195
Hitachi 042, 166, 235
JVC 008, 041, 067, 384
Marantz 081
Matsushita 227
Mitsubishi 043, 061, 196
National 226
NEC 038, 040, 370
Panasonic 162, 226, 227, 367
Philips 062, 081
Pioneer 058
Samsung 240, 426, 432
Sanyo 046, 104, 368, 369
Sharp 048, 062, 363
Shintom 072
Sony 032, 033, 034
Telefunken 187
Thomson 320
Toshiba 045, 366
Victor 008, 041, 067, 384
Manufacturers’ codes listed on this page are subject to
change without notice. If they are changed, this remote
control cannot operate the equipment.
Manufacturers’ codes for CATV converters
Daeryung 008
GoldStar 838
LG Alps 779
Now 776
Samsung 702
Seawoo 780
Tongkook 777, 840
Zenith 000
Manufacturers’ codes for DBS tuner
Dae Young 735
DX Antenna 752
Marantz 200
Panasonic 739
Pantech 747
Samsung 773
Sony 661
Toshiba 486
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