Pasting VN-C30U output images on separately created web pages
Images (still and moving images) captured using the VN-C30U can be
incorporated and displayed on web pages created by the user.
• Images cannot be displayed when the VN-C30U unit is in the MPEG
• When the “HTTP Viewing” is set to “Disable” using the Setup Tool, it will
not be possible to display images.
Displaying a Still Image :
Create a web page including the following description to display the still
image in the web page.
<IMG SRC=”http:// ****** /still.jpg”>
(****: URL indicating the VN-C30U)
Displaying a Moving Image :
A moving image can either be a Serverpush image or a Java image.
The image type should be selected according to the compatibility conditions
of the web browser (or by adjusting the web page.)
Display by Serverpush image
Create a web page including the following description to display the moving
image in the web page of a Serverpush-compatible web browser (i.e.
<IMG SRC=”http:// ****** /push.jpg”>
(****: URL indicating the VN-C30U)
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