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JVC VR-609 Camera Name
● Name : Possible to create an alphanumeric nickname of up to 16 characters
(including symbols) as shown below.
You can see the next character repeatedly by using Jog.
How to Use
1) Selects Name by Jog.
2) Possible to write and amend if you press the ENTER button.
3) Writes and amends by using the RIGHT/LEFT button and Jog.
4) Complete by clicking the ENTER button.
It is NOT possible to display all the characters when the screen is divided into more than
6 pictures. In this case "…" is displayed. Pan/Tilt Camera Setup
● Camera Setting : Camera ID, Reverse Pan, Reverse Tilt, Control Test
Character Mark
1) Camera ID : For controlling the Pan/Tilt camera.
Setting ID is for distinguish the Pan/Tilt camera, which is connected in parallel.
Camera ID uses 1~255 number.
( Be sure to check the specifications of the Pan/Tilt cameras. )
2) Reverse Pan, Reverse Tilt : It reverses a Pan/Tilt Camera direction.
Usually, the Pan/Tilt direction can be changed depending on the location
and mounting of the Pan/Tilt camera.
3) Control Test : Possible to test whether Pan/Tilt Camera setup is correct or not.
Useful when checking after setup finishes.
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