Cylinder Block and Crankcase Cover
Verify that a crankshaft or the camshaft that requires an axial play
adjustment shim is provided with an adjustment shim. (Refer to the
section on Axial Play Adjustment.)
Verify that the governor weight is closed. Also verify that the governor
arm is positioned so that its front receives the end of the governor
sleeve. (Refer to the section on Governor Mechanism.)
Install the crankcase cover while paying attention to the meshing of
the governor gear, evenly tighten the retaining bolts in the sequence
given in the diagram, and tighten them to the specified torque. (Refer
to the section on Tightening Torque Specifications.)
Ball Bearing
The table below lists the areas in which ball bearings are used. An
empty area signifies that the case acts directly as a plain bearing.
Ball Bearing Areas and Nominal Numbers
FE120 FE170 FE250 FE290 FE350, 400
Type D Type G Type D Type G Type D Type G Type D Type G Type D Type G
Crankshaft 6204 6204 6305 6305 6206 6206
Flywheel Side Camshaft
Balancer Shaft - - - - - - - -
Crankshaft 6204 6204 6205 6205 6206 6206 6306 6306 6207 6207
PTO Side Camshaft 6204 6205 6206 6306 6207
Balancer Shaft - - 6202 6202 - - - - - -
Note: The numbers indicate the nominal numbers of the ball bearings.
To inspect a ball bearing, first clean the bearing in solvent and allow
it to dry. Then, apply engine oil and gently spin it with your hand.
If the bearing is noisy, does not spin smoothly, or has excessive play,
replace the bearing.