Periodic Maintenance Procedures
All Hoses, Hose Clamps, Nuts, Bolts and Fasteners Check
Nuts, Bolts, and Fasteners Tightness Inspection
Check the tightness of the bolts and nuts listed here. Also,
check to see that each cotter pin is in place and in good
For the engine fasteners, check the tightness of them
when the engine is cold (at room temperature).
If there are loose fasteners, retighten them to the spec-
ified torque following the specified tightening sequence.
Refer to the appropriate chapter for torque specifications.
If torque specifications are not in the appropriate chapter,
see the Standard Torque Table. For each fastener, first
loosen it by 1/2 turn, then tighten it.
If cotter pins are damaged, replace them with new ones.
Nut, Bolt and Fastener to be checked
Oil Filter Cartridge
Engine Mounting Bolts (and bracket bolts)
Engine Damper Mounting Bolts
Cylinder Head Cover Bolts
Cylinder Head Bolts
Drive Shaft, Pump, and Impeller:
Drive Shaft Holder Mounting Bolts
Pump Mounting Bolts
Pump Cover Mounting Bolts
Pump Grate Mounting Bolts
Steering Nozzle Pivot Bolts
Reverse Bucket Pivot Bolts
Handlebar Clamp Bolts
Steering Neck Mounting Bolts
Steering Holder Mounting Bolts
Steering Shaft Locknut
Steering Cable Nut
Steering C able Joint Bolt
Shift (reverse) Cable Nut
Hull and Engine Hood:
Stabilizer Mounting Bolts
Rear Grip Mounting Bolts
Electrical System:
Spark Plugs
Battery Te rminal
Hose and H ose Connect Insp ection
Check the following hoses for leakage [A], hardening,
cracking [B], checking, cuts, abrasions, breaks and
bulges [C]. And make sure the hoses are not kinked or
Fuel Hoses
Fuel Vent Hose
Oil Hoses
Cooling Hoses
Bilge Hoses
If a hose is damaged in any way, replace it immediately
and check all the others for damage.