andevenkeepstrack ef lhe freshness of each brewed carafe It's never been easier te
brew the perfecl cup of coflee
1 Press the Open butlon on the control panel
and lilt lhe one-piece cover (See Fig, 3)
2, Use the carafe to fitI the water reservoir
of the coffeemaker to Ihe desired level
with cold water There isa gauge
marked from 2 te 14 cups on bolh the
coffeemaker's water reservoir and
on :thesides of the carafe (see Fig, 4)
These marks show the amount of cold
water needed for each cup of coffee.
The amount of brewed coffee wil_differ
elighlly due to the coffee grinds
absorbing some water
3 Place either Ihe permanent gold-lone
filler or a size I X 4 paper filter into
the brew basket (see Fig 5),
4 Add ground coffee The amount of
coffee you use is a matter of personal
tasle (we recommend one heaping
tablespoon for every two cups)
Experiment ,o, try different amounts of
ground coffee per cup until you brew
your perfecl cup of colfeerYoU can also
Iry using lhe paper filter along with the
gold-tone fi_tero
5 Close fhe cover, Place carafe on
fhe warming pfale and ptug in Ihe
appliance, The display window
iltuminafes blue and the coffeemaker
beeps for about 3 seconds to let
you know the clock ts not set. The
clock does nol have tobe eel Io
brew coffee, To set the clock lime,
Fig ,,5