"Your Kenmore vacuum cleaner is equipped with the latest technology in floor care. The
Kenmore inteliCLEAN automatically chooses the right cleaning power for any cleaning
need. Medium power for everyday pickup, High power for normal dirt, and Maximum
power for deep cleaning high traffic areas°
When inteliCLEAN mode is activated the inteliCLEAN indicator is green.
To turn OFF or de-activate inteliCLEAN press the inteliCLEAN button or TOOLS button.
When there is little or no dirt present the dirt
sensor is green, indicating that inteliCLEAN
power is at MEDIUM. At MEDIUM power the
vacuum cleaner operates at low energy con-
sumption and noise levels.
With normal dirt concentration the dirt sen-
sor is amber, indicating that inteliCLEAN
power is at HIGHo Energy consumption
and noise levels increase.
With heavy dirt concentration the dirt sen-
sor is amber and red, indicating that
inteliCLEAN power is at MAXIMUM, The
vacuum cleaner operates at its highest
energy consumption and noise levels.
InteliCLEAN Dirt Sensor
Indicator Lights Green
Motor/Fan Speed
:_:__::! :!::i_;:ii/_'¸
Motor/Fan Speed _Z_
Motor/Fan Speed _ _U