Troubleshooting Guide (cont'd)
Leakage Checkpoints
Usc this guide to check a q,eaking" watcr hcatcr.Many st_spcct-
cd "l,cakers" are not leaking tanks. Olden the source of the water
can bc found and corrcctcd.
lfyou are not thoroughly J:amiliar_4th clcctric codcs, thc watcr
heater, and safety practices, contact your local Sears Service
Center to check the water heater.
Read this manual tint, then before checking•the water I
heater make sure the electric supply has been turned
"OFF", and never turn the electric supply "ON" before
the tank scompletely full ofwaten
*Condcnsation may bc sccn on pipcs in humid wcathcr
or plpc connections may bc Icaking.
Thc primary anodc rod may bc lcaklng.
Small amounts of water fi'om temperature-pressure
rclicf valve may bc duc to thermal expansion or high
watcr pressure m your arca.
*Thc tcmpcraturc-prcssurc rclicf waivemay bc Icaking at
the yank fi_ttlng.
Thc clcmcnts may bc leaking at the tank fittlng,
removingany accesspanelsor servidng the water
heater, make sure the electrical supply to the
water heater _sturned "OFF". Failure to do this
could result _n DEATH_ SERIOUS BODILY
Turn dcctrical powcr "OFF", rcmovc acccss pancls and
insolation block and pad. If lcaking around clcmcnts,
I_bllow propcr draining instructions and rcmovc
element. Rcposltlon or replace gaskct on element. Place
element into opcnlng andtightcn scct_rcly.Then follow
"Filling thc Watcr Hcatcr" instructions in thc
"Insvallatlon Instructions" section,
Water from drain waivemay bc duc to thc vdvc being
opcncd slightly.
*Thc drain valvc may bc lcaklng at thc tank fi'Ltting.
*Water in the water heater bottom or on thc floor may
bc from condcnsation, loosc conncctions or the
tcmpcraturc-prcssurc rcllcf valvc. DO NOT replace
the water heater until a flail inspection of ,all possible
water sourccs is made and ncccssary corrcctlvc steps
bcakagc from othcr applianccs, watcrlincs, or ground
seepage should also bc chcckcd,
NOTE: *To check where threaded portion enters
tank, insert cotton swab betwcenjacket opening and
firtlng÷ If cotton is wet_ follow "Draining' ins¢_c-
tions in the "Service and Adjostmen£ _ section and
then remove fitting. Pat pipe dope or _¢flon _ape on
the _hreads and replace. Then follow "Filling the
Water Heater" instractions in the "Installation
Ins*Ja_ctlon¢' section.