Installation Instructions (cont'd)
Never use this water heater unless it Is completely full of J
water. To prevent damage to the tank and heat_ng ele- J
nnent, the tank must be filled with water. Water must
flow from the hot water faucet before turning on power.
You must providc all _4ring of thc propcr size outsidc of thc
wascr hcatcr, You must obcy local codcs and clcctric company
rcqtfircmcnts when you install this _@ing.
rfyou arc not _amiliar w4th clcct£c codcs and pracficcs or if you
have an), doubt, cvcn thc slightcst doubt, in your ab[li_Tto con-
ncct thc _4ring to this wascr hcatcr, obtain thc scrv[cc of a com-
pctcnt clcctrldan. Contact yottr Scars s',dcspcrsonto arrangc for
a profcssional clcctridan.
ONLY: This water heater is equlppedfor one typevoltage
only.Checkthe rating plate near the bottom accesspanel
for the correct voltage. DO NOT use thls water heater
with anyvoltage other than the one shown on the model
rating plate. Failure to usethe correct voltage can cause
problemswhich can result in DEATH, SERIOUS BODILY
INJURY,OR PROPERTY DAMAGE. If you haveany ques-
tlonsor doubts consultyour electrlc company.
If wirlng from your fuse box or clrcuit breaker box was
aluminum for your old water heater, replace it wlth cop-
per wlre. If you wishto reuse the exlstingaluminum wire,
havethe connectionat the water heater made by a com-
petent electrician. Contact your Sears salesperson to
arrange fora prefesslonalelectrician.
]. Providc a way to casily shut off thc clcctric powcr whcn
working on thc watcr hcatcr, Tiffs could bc with a circuit
brcakcr or fusc block in thc cntrancc box or a scparatc dis-
connect swkdl,
2. lnsvall and conncct a clrctfit directly from thc main fusc or
circuit breaker box, This circuit must bc the right sb;c and
have its own fuse or drcuk breaker. Refer to the chart in the
"Product Spcdfications" section fi_r the correct size wbc and
fitsc or circtfit breaker,
3. [f mcval conduit is uscd fi_rthc grounding conductor:
C, Flexiblc mcval conduit or flexiblc mcvallic robing shall bc
pcrmktcd _r groundhog if",dl thc following conditions arc
], Thc Icngth in any ground return path docs not cxcccd
6 fcct,
2, Thc circuk conductors convAncd thcmin arcprotectcd
by ovcrcurrcntdc_4ccsrased at 20 ampcrcs or less,
3, Thc conduit or tubing is tcrminatcd in fittings
approvcd_r grounding.
For complctc grounding dcta]ls and all allowable exceptions
rcfizr to the current edition of the National Electrical Code
NFPA 70.
A svandard _' con&fit opcning has bccn made in the water
hcater jtmction box _r the conduit conncction.
_TJring Diagrams (Scc Wiring Diagrams Scction) have bccn
supplied showing the two most common types of connec-
tions bctwccn the water hcatcr and thc power supply, You can
easily see which type connection you have by remo_4ng the
junction box covcr on top ofthc watcr hcatcr,
A. Two W'me Connection Diagran*s+ is thc most common
requiring you to simply connect red to rcd, black to black,
and the grotmd w4rc to thc grccn ground scrcw in the jtmc+
tion box ofthc watcr hcatcr,
B+ Three "_7"treConnection Diagram+ is uscd whcn you arc
connccting thc watcr hcatcr to powcr a supply that has a
"Time Clock" or "Off" Pc'ak" Mctcr, To make these connec-
tions rcfcr to block ] or 2 in this _4ring diagram _r thc typc
of _Tstcm you havc,
NOTE: If yo. have parcdaased a three wire connection
water heater bltt yollt are not on a "Time Clock" or "Off
Peak" meter and have a standard two wire connection
power sltpply_ simply follow the connection diagram in
block 3. of the Three Wire Connection Diagram.
Usc wirc nuts and conncct thc power supply _4ring to the
wircs insidc the wascr hcatcr's jtmction,
Thc watcr hcatcr must bc clcctrically "groundcd" by thc
installer. A grccn ground screw has bccn provided on the
water hcatcr's junction box, Connect ground wlrc to this
8. Rcplacc thc _@ing jtmctlon covcr using thc scrcw¢pro_4dcd,
A, Thc grounding clcctrodc conductor shall bc of copper,
aluminum, or coppcrclad alumintmt. Tbc matcrhl shall
bc ofonc continuous Icngth _dthout a splice or joint.
B. Rigid mctal conduit, intcrmcdiatc mcval conduit, or clcc-
trical metallic tubing may bc used for thc gr0undin
• g
mcans if conduit or tubing is terminated in fittings
approvcd for grotmdlng.
GROUND...- /