Installation Instructions
Removing the Old Water
OTum "OFF" electrical supply to the water hcatcr,
Turn _OFF" the water supply to the
water heatcr at thc _atcr shutoffvalvc or
water meter,
OAttach a hose to the _ater heater drain
valve and put the other end in a floor
&'ain or outdoors, Open the water heater
drain yah-c, Opcn a nearby hot water
_:aucctwhich will rclicvc pressure in the
_atcr heater and speed draining.
The water passingout ofthe drainvalvemay beextreme. I
ly hot, To avoid being scalded,make sure all connections
are t_ght and that the water flow _sd_rectedaway from
any person,
Check make sure the clcctric'al supply is_O
tumcd OFF to thc watcr hcatcr, Thcn discomlcct
thc clcctrical supply conncction i:_om thc water
hcatcr jtmction box,
If you havc coppcr piping to thc watcr
hcatcr, the t_-o coppcr water pipes can bc
cut with a hacksaw appro_matcly 4" a_ay
from whcrc they connect to the watcr
hcatcr, This will avoid cutting offthc pipes
too short, Addkional cuts can bc madc
later if"necessary, Disconncct the tcmpcra-
turc-prcssurc rclicf valvc drain linc, Whcn
the watcr hcatcr is draincd, dJsconncct the
hose from the dmln valvc. Closc thc drain
valve, The water heater is now completdv
dJsconncctcd and ready to bc removed, "
b, you galvanizcd pipc to watcr
[f have the
hcatcr, Iooscn thc t_-o galvanizcd pipcs
with a pipc wrcnch at thc union in cach
Iinc. Also dJsconncct thc piping rcmaining
to the water heater, Thcsc picccs should bc
saved since they may bc nccdcd when
reconnecting the new water heater,
Disconnect the tcmpcraturc-prcssurc rclicf
walvcdrain linc. Whcn the watcr hcatcr ls
dralncd, dlsconncct thc hosc from the
drain valvc, Closc the drain valvc. The
water heatcr ls now complctdy dJsconnccv
cd and ready to bc removed,
M_neralbuildupor sediment m_rt haveaccumulated •inthe
old water heater• This causes the water heater to be [
much heavierthan normal and th_sresidue, _fsp_lledout,
could causestaining,